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A Ministry of Evangelical Free Church

Upton Lake Christian School is a ministry of Evangelical Free Church of Clinton Corners. Learn more about the church here.

ULCS Mission and Vision Statements

Mission Statement  It is the mission of Upton Lake Christian School to equip today's students to meet tomorrow's challenges by providing a quality, Christ-centered education under the authority of God's Word.

Vision Statement  Passion for Christ. Ready for Life.

ULCS Philosophy

Purpose of Education: Upton Lake Christian School is dedicated to the glory of God and founded in the belief that God is the source of all Truth "And He is before all things, and by Him all things consist." (Colossians 1:17), as it is revealed in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, "In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." (Colossians 2:3).  Christian education seeks to teach all subjects from a biblical perspective, whereby all subjects can reveal God’s character and purpose.  Students learn true wisdom and grow in maturity as they know and appreciate God and the world He has made.  Great joy and meaning result as students love and honor Him with their lives and serve Him for a lifetime.  We seek to model the life of a growing and transformed believer, and a life demonstrating love and respect for God.  It is our desire that through the educational process at ULCS, knowledge and understanding will be brought to the minds of our students which will foster a passion for God.  We strive to teach and mentor in a way that will open the world of knowledge, and the delights of learning and exploration to prepare our students for the challenges and responsibilities of a Christian life.

Church: The church is composed of Christian believers of whom Christ is the head.  The church is the primary institution ordained by the Lord to demonstrate grace to the world and create disciples.  The school partners with the church and parents under Christ in order to continue the Great Commission through the students at ULCS.

Parents:  While the school and church are important, the primary responsibility for development of the child rests with the parents according to the Scriptures (Ephesians 6:4, Deuteronomy 6:6-7).  When Christian beliefs and values are taught at home, then the school can support and reinforce a God-centered education.  Close cooperation between the school and the parents is essential to realizing the potential for the educational process.

Child: Each child is created by God as a unique individual.  It is the responsibility of the teacher to challenge each child to develop his or her abilities, talents, gifts and capacities to the greatest extent possible.  The education at ULCS includes critical thinking, self-discipline, leadership, humility, integrity, service orientation, creativity, diligence and appreciation of beauty.

Teachers:  We believe teachers are called by God and serve through the gifts and talents that God has revealed in their calling.  They are expected to have distinct motivation, training, and gifts in teaching.  Each teacher needs to be a living example of a Christian growing in grace, knowledge and godliness.  Luke 6:40 "A student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher. "  We expect each teacher to hold himself or herself accountable to the pastor and leadership of their church and to confidentially notify the school if something occurs which disqualifies them from teaching or serving under Biblical standards.